Expenditure foreseen in calls for tenders published in Diário da República and contracted expenses and posted on the BASE portal increase in April 2020 In April 2020, 29 calls for tenders were published less than in the previous month. April's announcements represent a 56% increase in expected expenditure, with a positive variation compared to the same period in 2019, both in number of procedures (+96) and in relation to expected expenditure (+1 131 M € ). 2 294 contracts were reported to the BASE portal less than in March 2020. Thus, a decrease in the number of contracts (-18.2%) was noted, however in terms of contracted expenses, there was an increase of 2M €. In year-on-year terms (compared to the same month of the previous year), in April 2020, less 137 137 (-9.9%) contracts were reported to the BASE portal and another 82 M € (+ 10.2%) than in April 2019.