IMPIC presents a new version of the BASE Portal in its public area, within the scope of Project POCI-02-0550-FEDER-040631 - + IMPIC. This project aims at the functional review and respective implementation of all functionalities in terms of the system's usability, under the terms of Decree-Law no. 83/2018 of 19 October, and the accessibility rules for Web Content (WCAG) 2.0.
IMPIC made public procurement data available on the BASE portal on the AMA open data platform, Dados.Gov. with the aim of ensuring the transparency and quality of e-procurement systems at each stage of the public procurement cycle. This international standard encourages the adoption of the data source for processing and publishing data by any entity, Portuguese or foreign, having only to have tools to interpret the format.
On the 7th of November, within the scope of the eBF festival in the Czech Republic, the "Fair Sourcing Awards for procurement excellence" were awarded. The first prize went to the Base portal, received by Dr. Fernando Batista, from IMPIC, IP.
The Public Markets, Real Estate and Construction Institute, I.P. (IMPIC, I.P) came in second in the "Better Governance through Procurement Digitalization" award. The distinction was presented on 18 October by the Minister for the Presidency and Administrative Modernization, Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, and by Irmfried Schwimann, Deputy Director-General of the Directorate-General of the European Commission for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs.
Decree-Law No. 111-B / 2017, of August 31, was published, which made the ninth amendment to the Public Contracts Code, approved by Decree-Law No. 18/2008, of January 29.
The BASE Portal was distinguished on the 17th of November with the Certificate of Good Practices (EPSA 2015 Best Practice Certificate), in the category “European, National and Regional Level” awarded by the European Institute of Public Administration in Maastricht.
As of September 22, the Electronic Public Procurement Project Team will promote a set of awareness and clarification actions, with the contracting entities, aimed at supporting these entities in mandatory communications to the Base portal.
IDC Portugal announced the winners of the 3rd edition of the CIO Awards, created by the organization to distinguish projects in the areas of information and communication technologies, with a strong impact on the business of national organizations. The Construction and Real Estate Institute (Portal BASE - Public Contracts Information System) is among the winners.
The BASE Portal is presented as an example of good practices in the Communication from the European Commission COM (2013) 453 FINAL, of 26.06.2013, entitled “Electronic public procurement from beginning to end to modernize public administration”.
The European Commission has released a Communication (COM 2012-179 FINAL), entitled “A strategy for electronic public procurement”, in which it presents the strategic importance of electronic public procurement and sets out the main actions through which it intends to support the transition to procurement fully electronic public policy in the European Union. In this document the Portuguese case is cited.
Continuing the improvement process, new features and updates to existing features will be periodically introduced. The new public version of the BASE Portal now incorporates the Public Works Observatory.
Since November 1, 2009, public contracts in Portugal are mandatorily awarded through the use of electronic platforms, only direct adjustments are left out, which, even so, are subject to advertising on the official public procurement portal (WWW.BASE .GOV.PT).
The first version of the Public Contracts Portal in Portugal has the essential function of centralizing information on public contracts concluded in Portugal, configuring a virtual space where the elements related to the formation and execution of public contracts are publicized, thus allowing their monitoring and monitoring.
Seen and approved at a Council of Ministers meeting on September 20, 2007, Decree-Law 18/2008 approves the Public Contracts Code (CPP), which establishes the discipline applicable to public procurement, with the objective of making it more efficient public procurement, the shorter the procedure and the more effective its follow-up and monitoring, and ensuring greater rigor in the management of public funds.
The CCP is strictly consulted as an instrument for codifying the discipline applicable to public procurement and the substantive regime of administrative contracts.