What do we advertise?
Procedure Announcement -After INCM validation and publication in the DRE
Contract - According to the information reported by the Fact Sheets and the Contract formation report
Communication of non-conclusion of the contract - Within the scope of the communication of a revocation of the decision to hire and only for the procedures with announcement
Contractual Modification - after any communication from the Contractual Modification Report
Execution of the Contract - communicated in the Contract after communicating the data of the Execution Report or Final work report
Challenges - Communication of challenges to the procedures, after receipt and after the decision.
Movable Property - List of movable property available to entities
When are communications made?
Procedure announcement - After INCM validation and sent for publication in the DRE
Procedure - When it was created or when it was published in the EP
Technical data block - Following the completion of the advertisement for publication or the Hiring Report
Invitation sending form - Simultaneously with the sending of invitations supported by EP
Application opening form - Up to 10 working days after the availability and opening of applications in the EP
Solutions opening sheet - Up to 10 working days after the availability and opening of solutions in the EP
Proposal opening form - Up to 10 working days after the availability and opening of proposals in the EP
Qualification sheet of the contractor - Simultaneously with the availability of the qualification documents
Challenges form - up to 10 working days after filing the objection as well as after the decision has been taken;
Contract formation report - up to 20 working days after the conclusion of the written contract or if it has not been granted in writing, 20 working days after the beginning of its execution;
Communication report of the non-execution of the contract - up to 20 working days after the communication of the revocation of the decision to hire or after the decision not to provide movable assets, or not to dispose of movable assets;
Report of objective modification of the contract - Immediately after its execution
Annual summary report - up to 10 working days after the date that makes up one year of execution, for the purposes of paragraph 2 of article 472 of the CCP;
Execution report - up to 20 working days after the date of contract closure, understood as the date of payment of the last invoice accepted by the public contractor or the date of material execution of the contract in situations of full price advances and, in the case of adjustments simplified direct payments with the periodicity defined in paragraph 2 of article 5 of this Ordinance
Final report of the work - up to 10 working days after the signature of the final bill of the work or the respective acceptance by the contractor, pursuant to paragraph 1 of article 402 of the CCP;
Occurrence report - Up to 5 working days (no. 2 of article 386 and no. 2 of article 405 of the CCP),
Up to 10 working days (no. 2 of article 464-A of the CCP),
After knowledge of the occurrence (remaining cases)
Mobile assets sale report - Up to 10 days after the sale