What is the BASE Portal?
The public procurement portal, called Portal BASE, is intended to disseminate public information on public contracts subject to the regime of the Public Contracts Code, in accordance with the provisions of article 2 of DL nº 111-B / 2017, of August 31, which amended and republished the Public Contracts Code (CCP), approved by DL no. 18/2008, of 29 January.
The portal has the essential function of centralizing information on public contracts concluded in Portugal, configuring a virtual space where elements related to the formation and execution of public contracts are publicized, thus allowing their follow-up and monitoring
To comply with the statistical obligations provided for in the Directives, it is incumbent on the Institute of Public Markets, Real Estate and Construction, I.P. (IMPIC, IP), pursuant to paragraph 1 of article 472 of the CCP, prepare and submit to the European Commission, a statistical report on the contracts for the purchase and rental of goods and the purchase of services, public works contract and concession contracts for public works and services.
The management of the BASE Portal is the responsibility of IMPIC, I.P. as provided for in article 3, paragraph 3, paragraph f) of Decree-Law no. 232/2015, of October 13 and article 3 of Ordinance No. 57/2018, of February 26.
What do you advertise?
The BASE Portal provides, in accordance with Article 4 of Ordinance No. 57/2018, of 26 February, amended by Ordinance No. 284/2019, of 2 September, information on:
a) The announcements published in the Diário da República regarding procedures for the formation of public contracts.
b) Access to parts of the procedure
i) The precise and complete explanation of the goods, services or works covered by the contract;
ii) The contract price;
iii) The number of guests in the prior consultation procedures;
iv) The identification of the successful tenderer and the remaining competitors;
v) The identification of challenges to the procedure;
vi) The publicity of contracts, including attachments and amendments, with the exception of information relating to secrets of a commercial, industrial or other nature and information relating to personal data;
d) The provision and disposal of movable property
e) The final decisions to apply the sanction for the prohibition of participation provided for in articles 460 and 464-A of the CCP, during the period of the respective prohibition.
f) Objective modifications of contracts that represent an accumulated value greater than 10% of the contract price, which are available up to six months after the termination of the contract, pursuant to paragraph 1 of article 315 of the CCP.
The BASE Portal also provides:
1. A database of national and Community legislation, regulations and jurisprudence, related to public procurement;
2. Good practice guides and technical guidelines on public procurement;
3. Statistical information, including annual reports and monthly public procurement summaries;
4. Public procurement announcements, news and events.
Pursuant to article 5 of Ordinance No. 57/2018, of February 26) Portal BASE also collects information on all public contracts, including those provided for in articles 5 (Excluded Contracting) , 5, º-A (Contracts within the Public Sector), 6th-A (Contracts for social services and other specific services) and 128 (Simplified Regime).
The public data contained in the BASE Portal can be extracted automatically, free of charge, through the www.base.gov.pt portal and other public portals, such as the data.gov.pt portal.
The responsibility for the information contained in the BASE Portal is the sole responsibility of the contracting entities (Article 12 / No. 5 Ordinance No. 57/8018, as amended by Ordinance No. 284/2019, of 2 September).