The Public Contracts Portal collects information on the formation and performance of public contracts. The information that arrives at the Portal is communicated, in "data blocks", at different moments in the public procurement process and contract execution.
The set of "data blocks" identified here, whose models are attached to Ordinance No. 57/2018, of February 26, as amended by Ordinance No. 284/2019, of September 2, contains information on the development of the entire contract formation procedure, as well as its execution, and must enter the Public Contracts Portal system within the deadlines provided for in article 8 of the said Decrees.
a) Announcements - all announcements published in the DRE are immediately communicated to the BASE Portal;
b) Profile of the contracting authority - Information on the contracting entity and sub-entities, updated periodically;
c) Procedure - this data block is mandatory in any type of contract, with any contractual price and is completed at the time of its creation (or, when completed by electronic platform, at the time it is advertised), it does not apply to simplified direct adjustments and excluded contracting;
d) Technical data block, following the completion of the notice for publication or, in the case of direct agreement and prior consultation, within the scope of the contracting report, as well as for public works contracts whose base price of the procedure or contractual price , in the case of prior consultation or direct agreement, is greater than € 200,000;
e) Invitation sending form - is communicated to communicate the data of the guests of the procedures that have this phase of the procedure;
f) Application opening form - is communicated to provide information on the applications presented in the procedure, for the procedures that contain this component, being an exclusive information of the platforms;
g) Solutions opening form - is communicated to provide information on the solutions presented in the procedure, for the procedures that contain this component, being an exclusive information of the platforms;
h) Tender opening form - communicated to provide information on the proposals presented in the procedure. This information results from the information of competitors in the public area;
i) Qualification sheet of the contractor - is communicated after acceptance of the qualification documents and contains the data of the contractor (s), being an information and exclusive to the platforms;
j) Challenge form - this data block is communicated when the procedure has a complaint or challenge, in the formation or execution of the contract;
k) Contract formation report - Information on the award and conclusion of the contract, with conditions of effectiveness for direct adjustments and prior consultation;
l) Report of communication of non-conclusion of the contract - Information on the non-conclusion of the contract following the decision to revoke the decision to contract;
m) Contract modification report - mandatory data block in any type of contract, in accordance with article 315 of the CCP, and with condition of effectiveness.g) Annual summary report - intended for public works contracts whose contractual price is greater than (euro) 500,000 and whose execution lasts for more than one year, and is communicated after 1 year of execution;
n) Execution report - this block of data presents information on the closing of the contract as well as electronic invoicing and is mandatory in any type of contract, with any contractual price;
o) Final work report - this data block is mandatory for types of works contracts, with any contract price and receives detailed information on the execution of the contract.
p) Report of occurrences - this block is intended to communicate the mandatory communications provided for in paragraph 2 of article 386 and paragraph 2 of article 405 of the CCP, in paragraph 2 of article 464. º- A of the CCP;
k) Report on the sale of movable assets - this block is communicated when the movable assets are made available to other entities or are disposed of.
The BASE Portal collects information on the formation and execution of a public contract. The information that arrives at the Portal comes from several entities and is communicated, in "data blocks", at different moments in the public procurement process and in the execution of the contract.
The set of "data blocks" identified here, whose models are attached to Ordinance No. 57/2018, of February 26, as amended by Ordinance No. 284/2019, of 2 September, contains information on the development of the entire contract formation procedure, as well as its execution, and must be entered into the Portal Base system, within the deadlines provided for in article 8 of the aforementioned. Ordinances.
Thus, the information on the BASE Portal comes from:
In the case of the announcement, the information is transmitted by the INCM information system, in accordance with paragraph a) of article 9 of Ordinance No. 284/2019, of 2 September
Whenever the announcement of the opening of a procedure is published in Diário da República, the INCM triggers the registration of a procedure on this Portal, sending the content of the respective announcement.
The information is updated daily.
From INCM, data arrives:
a) Opening procedure announcements and any subsequent announcements, according to the models defined in Ordinance No. 371/2017, of December 14th.
The information comes from contracting entities, through direct access to the BASE Portal, within the scope of their intervention as support for the formation and execution of contracts, in accordance with Article 9 (b) and (d) Ordinance No. 284/2019, of September 2nd.
The communicated data blocks are:
b) Profile of the contracting authority (Annex I);
c) Procedure (Annex II);
d) Technical data block (Annex III);
k) Contract formation report (Annex X);
l) Report of communication of non-conclusion of the contract (Annex XI);
m) Contract modification report (Annex XII);
n) Annual summary report (Annex XIII);
o) Implementation report (Annex XIV);
p) Final work report (Annex XV);
q) Occurrence report (Annex XVI);
r) Report on the sale of movable assets (Annex XVII).
In the case of the data blocks provided for in paragraph c) and d) of article 9 of Ordinance No. 284/2019, of 2 September, it is the electronic platforms that send the information to the BASE portal, within the scope of their intervention as support for training procedures and contract execution.
The updated list of licensed electronic platforms and the respective management companies can be consulted at:
Click here
As the contracting entities instruct public procurement procedures on electronic platforms, they create an information base that, at precise moments of the procedure, defined in article 8 of Ordinance No. 57/2018, of 26 February, as amended by Ordinance No. 284/2019, of September 2, is communicated to the Public Contracts Portal, in data blocks.
The interconnection to the Portal is made electronically and transmits, in accordance with paragraph c) and d) of article 9 of Ordinance No. 284/2019, of 2 September:
c) Procedure (Annex II);
e) Invitation submission form (Annex IV);
f) Application opening form (Annex V);
g) Solutions opening form (Annex VI);
h) Proposal opening form (Annex VII);
i) Qualification sheet of the contractor (Annex VIII);
j) Statement of objections (Annex IX);
k) Contract formation report (Annex X);
l) Report of communication of non-conclusion of the contract (Annex XI);
o) Implementation report (Annex XIV);
The contracting authority interacts directly with the Public Contracts Portal - Portal BASE, within the scope of its intervention to support the formation and execution of contracts.
In the case of the data blocks provided for in paragraph a) of paragraph 3 of article 7 of Ordinance No. 284/2019, of 2 September, the management software, within the scope of its intervention to support the administrative process and accounting of procedures.
In the case of data blocks referring to electronic invoicing contained in the execution report provided for in paragraph o) of article 7 of Ordinance No. 284/2019, of 2 September.