The Public Procurement Code provides that public procurement must be completely dematerialized. In this context, contracting is supported by a set of entities and environments, which assume different functions.
It is the managing body of the BASE Portal, as well as the body responsible for regulating public contracts and is the reference point for cooperation with the European Commission, for the purposes of paragraph 5 of article 83 of Directive no. 2014/24 / I. It is also a licensing, monitoring and inspection entity for electronic public procurement platforms.
IMPIC is responsible for producing good practice manuals on public contracts for the purchase of works, goods and services, as well as the analysis of complaints and complaints from citizens and companies, as well as the participation of public entities on the application of the rules. award of public contracts.
Its mission is to ensure the development and provision of shared services within the scope of Public Administration, as well as to design, manage and evaluate the national purchasing system and ensure the management of the PVE, supporting the definition of strategic policies in the areas of information and communication technologies. communication (ICT) of the Ministry of Finance, ensuring the planning, design, execution and evaluation of the technological computerization initiatives of the respective services and bodies.
It is the accrediting entity for electronic public procurement platforms and the respective security auditors.
Its mission is to guarantee the security of classified information at the national level and of the international organizations of which Portugal is a party and to exercise the function of accreditation authority for people and companies for the access and handling of classified information, as well as that of accreditation authority and of inspection of entities operating within the scope of the State's Electronic Certification System - Public Key Infrastructure (SCEE).
It is the entity responsible for publications in the Diário da República Eletrônico and in the Official Journal of the European Union. After publication, INCM sends to the Portal, by means of an electronic process, the announcements of the launch of tenders and the orders and deliberations that give rise to hiring processes under the exceptional regime provided for in Decree-Law no. 34/2009 , of 6 February.
All announcements of pre-contractual procedures (Public Tender, Limited Tender by Previous Qualification, Negotiation Procedure, Competitive Dialogue and Partnership for Innovation) are published in the Diário da República Eletrônico and, simultaneously, are advertised on the BASE Portal (except in the cases of direct agreement and prior consultation, which do not require prior notice).